Glow-Up This Summer With a Chemical Peel

Chemical peels are a favored cosmetic skin treatment that can rejuvenate your skin and shave off years from your appearance, leaving behind a radiant, youthful glow.

Summer is the ultimate “glow-up” season, a time when most want their skin to radiate, and there is no better way to get that healthy glow than a chemical peel. However, given concerns about heightened sensitivity to sunlight following a peel, many think they can only get this highly effective skin treatment in the winter months.

While it’s crucial to be cautious about sun exposure after a chemical peel, there’s no need to avoid this treatment during warmer months. In fact, scheduling a chemical peel in summer can offer many benefits.

In this article, we discuss the many reasons why booking a chemical peel during the summer months could be beneficial, along with some crucial do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.

What is a Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a cosmetic skin treatment designed to improve the appearance of the skin. It involves applying a chemical solution to the skin’s surface. This solution causes the skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off, revealing fresher, smoother skin underneath. How much your skin peels depends on various factors, including the condition of your skin and the strength of the peel. 

Don’t let the word “chemical” scare you. The term “chemical” simply refers to the skin-safe solutions used in the treatment, which are carefully formulated to promote skin renewal and rejuvenation. Rest assured, these solutions are designed with skin safety in mind. 

These solutions typically consist of naturally derived acids, such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), found in fruits, milk, and other organic sources. Commonly used acids in chemical peels include glycolic acid, lactic acid, and salicylic acid.

Chemical peels come in various strengths, including superficial, medium, and deep, which we will discuss further down. This allows them to address a wide range of skin concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to uneven skin tone, acne scars, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation, or for anyone who wants to give their skin a healthy glow.

Additionally, chemical peels can be tailored to suit different skin types and sensitivities, ensuring that you receive a safe and effective treatment customized to your unique needs. Whatever peel you choose, it will help to promote the regeneration of new skin cells and stimulate collagen production, which leads to overall skin renewal and improvement in texture and tone.

Types of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are tailored to address various skin concerns and can be categorized based on their depth of penetration and the type of acids used in the solution. 

Here are the three primary types of peels:

Superficial Peels

These peels are the mildest option and work by targeting only the outermost layer of the skin, known as the epidermis. They typically contain gentle acids such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), including glycolic acid and lactic acid, or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), like salicylic acid. 

Superficial peels are effective for improving skin texture, reducing mild discoloration, and enhancing overall skin radiance. They are often called “lunchtime peels” because they require minimal downtime, allowing you to resume daily activities immediately after treatment.

Medium Peels

Medium-depth peels penetrate deeper into the skin, reaching the middle layer called the dermis. They typically employ more potent acids, such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA), to address more moderate skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation issues like sunspots and melasma.

Medium peels provide more significant results than superficial peels, but the skin may require several days of downtime to heal properly.

Deep Peels

Deep peels are the most intensive option, penetrating into the deeper layers of the dermis. They utilize powerful acids, such as phenol or high concentrations of TCA, to target severe skin imperfections like deep wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage.

Deep peels can produce dramatic improvements in skin texture and tone but necessitate a more extended recovery period, often several weeks, due to the significant exfoliation and regeneration of skin cells.

At Home Chemical Peels

You can purchase “at home” chemical peels at a drugstore or online, but they are typically not something we advise. Most at-home chemical peels are not nearly as effective as professional chemical peels. 

Additionally, when using any chemical peel, it is essential to approach them cautiously and under the guidance of a qualified skincare professional. Proper pre-treatment evaluation and post-treatment care are crucial for maximizing results and minimizing the risk of adverse effects.

Aestheticians and Dermatologist’s Favorite Chemical Peel 

As skincare experts, one of our top recommendations for a summer chemical peel is the ZO® 3-Step Peel, crafted by renowned dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi. This advanced peel targets pigmentation irregularities, acne, sun damage, and more, delivering remarkable improvements in skin health and appearance.

Ideal for summer due to its effectiveness and potentially gentler nature, the three-step treatment stimulates cellular turnover, promoting collagen production and diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. Safe for all skin types, it’s perfect for those seeking significant skin improvements. If you want smoother, rejuvenated summer skin with a healthy glow, the ZO® 3-Step Peel is an ideal choice.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels offer a multitude of benefits beyond just surface-level skin enhancement. These popular cosmetic treatments can address various skin concerns and contribute to overall skin health and rejuvenation.

Here are some key advantages of undergoing a chemical peel no matter the time of the year:

Improved Skin Texture

Chemical peels exfoliate the skin, removing dead cells and promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells. This process results in smoother, more refined skin texture, reducing the appearance of roughness and unevenness.

Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

By stimulating collagen production and accelerating cell turnover, chemical peels can diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging, leaving the skin looking firmer and more youthful.

Evening of Skin Tone

Chemical peels can help address pigmentation issues such as sunspots, age spots, and melasma by targeting excess melanin production and promoting a more even skin tone.

Treatment of Acne and Acne Scars

Chemical peels are effective in treating acne and reducing the appearance of acne scars by unclogging pores, reducing inflammation, and promoting skin healing.

Reduction of Pore Size

Chemical peels can help minimize the appearance of enlarged pores by removing debris and excess oil, resulting in a smoother, more refined complexion.

Enhanced Skin Radiance

By eliminating dull, dead skin cells and promoting skin renewal, chemical peels reveal a brighter, more radiant complexion, restoring a healthy glow to the skin.

Customizable Treatment Options

Chemical peels come in various formulations and strengths, allowing for personalized treatment plans tailored to individual skin types, concerns, and goals. Whether you’re looking to combat signs of aging, improve skin tone and texture, or treat specific skin issues, a chemical peel can help you achieve your skincare goals with minimal downtime and impressive results.

Why Summer is a Great Time to Get a Chemical Peel 

You might think fall or winter are ideal months for a chemical peel. While there are advantages to getting a peel during cooler seasons, there are many reasons why the warm, sunny months are an excellent time to have this rejuvenating skin treatment. 

Here are only a few perks of getting a chemical peel during the summer:

Helps with Oily Skin

You want glowing skin in the summer but not greasy skin, which is a common skin complaint during warmer months. As the temperatures increase, oily skin becomes a common problem during the summer season. Chemical peels can be incredibly helpful in balancing oil production and providing relief from the shiny and greasy appearance of the skin. 

Fast Results

Light chemical peels offer instant results with minimal downtime, making them an excellent choice for anyone who hopes to look their very best as the summer season approaches.

Whether you’re gearing up for a summer party, a sun-kissed beach vacation, or just want to brighten up dull winter skin, a chemical peel swiftly rejuvenates your skin in as little as one session with minimal to no downtime. 

You’ll Need Less (or No) Makeup

Summer calls for a more natural aesthetic. Nobody wants to wear a full face of makeup to the pool or even run errands on a hot, humid day. Chemical peels help minimize pores, refine skin texture, and address common concerns like acne, fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. This allows you to have more confidence going makeup-free or only applying a light, tinted moisturizer.

Glowing Summer Skin 

Dewy skin is never out of season but is especially sought after during summer. Whether it’s residual sun damage from seasons past or new blemishes and wrinkles from recent sun exposure, a chemical peel offers a nice seasonal reset, leaving your sun-kissed skin with an even more radiant glow.

More Flexibility 

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season looming, finding time for self-care becomes increasingly challenging. Summer’s much more laid-back, offering the perfect opportunity to schedule your chemical peel without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

When to Avoid a Chemical Peel in the Summer

While summer presents numerous advantages for undergoing a chemical peel, there are certain circumstances where you should hold on getting a peel. Here are some situations to consider:

Recent Sun Exposure

If you’ve recently had prolonged sun exposure or anticipate spending significant time outdoors in the immediate future, it’s advisable to postpone your chemical peel. The skin may be more sensitive and susceptible to damage from UV radiation, increasing the risk of adverse reactions and complications.

Upcoming Outdoor Activities

If your summer plans include outdoor events where you will be in the sun for prolonged periods, such as beach vacations, hiking excursions, or all-day sports activities, it may be best to hold off on scheduling a chemical peel. Activities that involve prolonged sun exposure, sweating, or swimming can interfere with the healing process and compromise the treatment’s results.

Skin Sensitivity

Individuals with naturally sensitive skin or those prone to conditions such as rosacea or eczema may experience heightened sensitivity to chemical peels, particularly in the summer when the skin is already more vulnerable due to increased sun exposure and heat. In such cases, it’s best to consult with a skincare professional to assess the suitability of a chemical peel and explore alternative treatment options.

Pre-existing Skin Conditions

Certain pre-existing skin conditions, such as active acne outbreaks, cold sores, or dermatitis, may be exacerbated by chemical peels, especially during summer, when environmental factors can intensify inflammation and irritation. It’s crucial to disclose any existing skin conditions or concerns to your skincare provider to ensure the safest and most effective time to get a chemical peel. 

Planning Considerations

Suppose your summer schedule is packed with social events, travel plans, or other commitments that limit your ability to adhere to post-peel care instructions or accommodate downtime for recovery. In that case, postponing your chemical peel until a more convenient time may be wise. Proper post-treatment care is essential for optimizing results and minimizing the risk of complications.

Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Chemical Peels 

If you are getting a chemical peel in the summer, there are some crucial dos and don’ts that you should adhere to.

Summer Chemical Peel Do’s 

Do Seek Professional Guidance 

When in doubt, it’s always best to ask. Schedule a free consultation with a qualified skin expert to ensure you’re making the right decision for your skin. They will assess your skin’s condition and needs and provide personalized recommendations. Rest assured, they won’t recommend a chemical peel unless it’s the best option.

Do Prioritize Pre-Peel Skincare

Establish a pre-peel skincare routine focused on hydration and strengthening. Opt for products enriched with nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides to prepare your skin for the peeling process.

DO Shield with Sun Protection

Sun protection is crucial year-round, rain or shine, but you should definitely never go without it during the summer months or near a chemical peel. Safeguard your skin from harmful UV rays with a high-quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen to maintain its health and integrity before and after your peel.

DO Hydrate Inside and Out

Ensure your skin is adequately hydrated by maintaining a regimen of internal hydration alongside topical skincare. Drink plenty of water to support your skin’s moisture levels and optimize the peeling process.

Chemical Peel Don’ts 

DO NOT Treat Sunburned Skin 

You should not undergo any type of peeling treatments if you have a sunburn. Not only can this intensify discomfort, but it may also compromise the effectiveness of the peel. You should allow your sunburn to fully heal and fade before scheduling your chemical peel.

DO NOT Peel Before Prolonged Sun Exposure

Are you preparing for a weekend at the lake or a beach getaway? If your upcoming plans involve excessive, prolonged sun exposure, it is best to schedule your chemical peel several weeks in advance or postpone it until after you return from your trip.

DO NOT Over Exfoliate

Refrain from over-exfoliating in an attempt to expedite the peeling process. Excessive exfoliation can irritate and damage the skin, undermining the benefits of the peel and prolonging recovery time.

DO NOT Neglect Post-Peel Care

Caring for your skin after a peel is essential, especially during the summer season. Your esthetician will provide suggested products following your peel. In general, you should opt for gentle, soothing creams and serums to nourish your skin, aiding its recovery process and amplifying the peel’s benefits.

You should also prioritize the use of broad-spectrum sunscreen after a chemical peel. The sun’s rays can be harsh on freshly treated skin, underscoring the significance of sun protection. Additionally, drink ample water to hydrate your skin from within and utilize hydrating skincare products externally. 

Additionally, monitor your skin closely post-peel and be vigilant for any unusual reactions. If you experience persistent redness, discomfort, or other concerning symptoms, promptly consult your skincare professional for guidance and support.

Where to Get a Chemical Peel This Summer in Middle Tennessee 

If you’re considering a chemical peel in the summer, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a seasoned skincare specialist proficient in administering these types of treatments.

Chemical peels require expertise and precision to ensure safe and effective results, especially during the summer months when skin sensitivity may be heightened due to increased sun exposure and humidity.

If you live in the Nashville area or are just in town visiting Music City and are seeking a healthy summer glow, Garza Plastic Surgery is your destination for top-quality aesthetic skin treatments, including chemical peels.

We offer a diverse range of chemical peels tailored to your individual needs, guaranteeing a safe and effective treatment experience, including:

To find out which chemical peel is best for your skin this summer or if another cosmetic treatment might better suit your summer skin needs, contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation.