There’s an undeniable thrill when surprise washes over someone’s face as you confess your age, leaving them shocked that you are ten or even twenty years older than they would have guessed.

And if we had to guess, those compliments are likely a strong motivator for you to prioritize skincare. If so, there’s nothing wrong with that – whatever sparks your dedication to skincare, we’re all for it.

However, it’s crucial to recognize that the core reason to prioritize your skin’s well-being extends well beyond aesthetics. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and primary protector.

That’s right, fewer wrinkles, blemishes, and a radiant glow are really just bonus perks of having healthy skin. The true benefit of having healthy skin lies in the fact that healthy skin is your first line of defense against various health threats.

As we enter National Healthy Skin Month in November, we thought it would be the perfect time to talk about how healthy skin is more than surface level.

In this article, we’ll discuss healthy skin awareness, why healthy skin is vital to your overall health, and tell you exactly how to achieve and maintain healthy skin.

We’ll also talk about the latest advancements in professional skin rejuvenation treatments and why they might be something to consider if you want healthier skin. Yes, healthy skin requires a little bit of commitment, but trust us, it’s worth the effort.

Let’s dive in!

Why is Having Healthy Skin Important?

Taking good care of your skin goes beyond just looking good – although that’s a fantastic bonus. Sure, healthy skin practices can be your secret weapon in staving off premature aging, but having healthy skin can also reduce your risk of skin cancer and contribute to better overall health.

You see, your skin isn’t just an outer layer; it’s a living organ with an impressive job description.  It is a crucial barrier between your body and the outside world that helps keep good things in (like essential nutrients) and bad things (like infections) out.

Your skin is also a protective barrier against serious injuries, helps regulate your body temperature, and can promote better wound healing, protecting your body from potential complications.

Simply put, your skin mirrors your overall well-being. When you invest some time in maintaining healthy skin, you’ll not only experience fewer breakouts, reduced lines, wrinkles, age spots, and a glowing complexion, but you’ll also enhance your overall health.

Not sure where to start in having healthy skin or what the latest skin-rejuvenating advancements are that can help get you there? Keep reading! We’re here to guide you towards achieving your healthiest skin from top to bottom..

How to Create and Maintain Healthy Skin

Achieving youthful-looking skin doesn’t necessarily mean you have healthy skin.

Treatments like Botox and dermal fillers can help you appear younger, and there’s nothing wrong with these enhancements (just ensure a qualified skin care expert administers them). But if you’re aiming for truly healthy skin, that’s a different story.

Having healthy skin requires consistency with some basics. And by basics, we don’t mean merely washing your face before bed and applying moisturizer. While these steps are important (never skip them), having genuinely healthy skin calls for dedication in a few other key areas of skin health.

And no, we’re not advocating for an overly complicated 20-step skincare regimen. Skincare products are important, and we’ll delve into that shortly. Achieving healthy skin is actually much more straightforward than you probably think.

Consistency is key when it comes to these four essential aspects of skincare:

1: Get Regular Skin Checks

This is non-negotiable. Most people are at a high risk of developing skin cancer– yes, most. In the United States, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.

According to the surgeon general, skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, with over 5 million people treated each year. Furthermore, every year, there are more than 63,000 new cases of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, resulting in nearly 9,000 deaths.

Think skin cancer, specifically melanoma, won’t happen to you? Think back to your childhood or that senior trip to the beach. Did you get a bad sunburn? Studies show that all it takes is one blistering sunburn during childhood or adolescence to more than double your chance of developing melanoma later in life.

We aren’t trying to scare you, but it’s crucial that people understand that skin cancer is a serious public health concern. There is no way to know if the moles on your body are changing color and size, or if new alarming moles have popped up out of nowhere, if you aren’t paying close attention to your skin (head to toe) and more importantly, having a yearly skin check by a board-certified dermatologist.

Despite skin cancer severity and prevalence, surveys show that 85% of people don’t visit a board-certified dermatologist yearly for a comprehensive skin examination. This neglect can have serious consequences, as early skin cancer detection and treatment are key to a favorable prognosis.

It’s time to change that narrative and take action to protect your skin’s health. If you don’t regularly give your skin a thorough scan, start doing so. And if you haven’t made an appointment to have your skin checked this year, pick up the phone and make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist today!

2: Wear Sunscreen Daily

Sunscreen should be a part of everyone’s daily skincare routine, regardless of age, skin tone, or where you live. Rain or shine, indoors or outdoors, sunscreen is a straightforward but vital step for your skin’s well-being and the number one way to prevent skin cancer.

The sun emits harmful UV rays that can penetrate your skin, causing damage even on cloudy days. These rays speed up the aging process and, more importantly, increase the risk of skin cancer. Sunscreen is the best way to protect against these risks.

When choosing sunscreen, opt for a broad-spectrum one with an SPF of at least 30. This will shield you from both UVA and UVB rays—two different types of ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun.

UVA rays, often called “aging rays,” penetrate deep into your skin. They can lead to premature aging, causing fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. These rays are present all year round and can even pass through clouds and glass, making daily protection essential.

On the other hand, UVB rays are responsible for sunburn. They affect the top layer of your skin, causing that painful redness and peeling you might be familiar with. UVB rays are more intense during the summer and can vary in intensity depending on your location and the time of day.

Shielding yourself from both UVA and UVB rays ensures you are fully covered against the full spectrum of potential harm from the sun. So, when you reach for sunscreen, ensure it’s broad-spectrum with at least SPF 30 to keep your skin safe and radiant.

Also, don’t skimp. It’s important to apply an adequate amount of sunscreen to ensure you’re fully protected. As a general rule, a shot glass (approximately one ounce) of sunscreen is usually enough to cover your entire body. For your face, use about a nickel-sized amount.

 3: Adhere to a Customized Medical Grade Skincare Routine

Earlier, we mentioned that having an overly complicated skincare regime is unnecessary, but that doesn’t mean you should just wash your face with body soap, slather on the cheapest moisturizer or wrinkle cream you can find, and call it a day.

It is important to have a skincare routine that covers all the important bases, is customized to your skin type and concerns, and possibly changes with the seasons. Additionally, it is advised that you reassess your skincare routine regularly.

Customizing your skincare routine for your skin type is the first step in achieving optimal skin health. One size doesn’t fit all in skincare. Whether you have dry, oily, combination, or sensitive skin, your products should align with your specific needs.

For example, dry skin may benefit from richer, deeply hydrating products, while those with oily skin should opt for oil-free or mattifying alternatives. Sensitive skin, on the other hand, typically requires non-irritating  products designed for sensitive skin. 

Addressing specific skin concerns is also something to consider. Understand what skin issues you’re looking to tackle, whether it’s acne, fine lines, dark spots, sensitivity, or a combination of these– tailor your routine to address these concerns.

If you need help with how to do this, you can book a complimentary consultation with one of our skincare experts, who can provide personalized guidance and recommendations.

Climate is a significant factor to consider in your skincare regimen. The climate you live in is crucial to your skin’s needs. During the dry winter months, you might require heavier moisturizers to combat moisture loss. In contrast, lightweight, oil-free products can prevent clogged pores and excessive shine in hot and humid weather.

Regular reassessment of your skincare routine is also important but something most people don’t think about doing. As your skin evolves over time, so should your skincare regimen. What worked for you in your twenties may need adjustment in your thirties or forties. It’s a good idea to consult a skin care expert who can offer personalized guidance on adapting your skincare regimen as you age.

Finally, don’t cut corners when it comes to your skin. It is best to use primarily medical-grade skincare products. Yes, they usually come with a higher price tag, but their quality and efficacy make them a worthwhile investment. In fact, they will save you money in the long run because you aren’t wasting money on less efficient products.

Medical-grade skincare products are formulated with superior ingredients, often at higher concentrations, and undergo rigorous testing to ensure they deliver the promised results. Pay the extra, and your skin will thank you!

If you must pick and choose which products to save money on, there are some non-medical grade cleansers and sunscreens that get the job done. Our skincare experts would be happy to share their skin care tips and help you decide where to save and splurge.

4: Invest in Professional Skin Rejuvenation Treatments

Professional skin treatments performed by a licensed physician, practitioner, or esthetician can take your skin to the next level, helping you achieve a radiant, youthful complexion and healthier skin.

There are many non-surgical cosmetic skin treatments available. The one you choose will depend on your skin concerns and goals. But we’d like to highlight one advanced skin rejuvenation treatment– SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM injectable.

If you want healthy skin, nothing beats a full night of sleep and drinking plenty of water. But from what we are seeing so far, SKINVIVE™ comes close!

SKINVIVE™ is a cutting-edge, new hyaluronic acid filler approved by the FDA in May 2023 that is known to achieve the same results as a chemical peel or laser treatment, making it a great skincare alternative.

What sets SKINVIVE™ apart is its uniqueness as the first HA microdroplet injectable designed to improve skin from the inside out– improving skin quality, texture, and dullness, giving your skin a radiant glow that lasts.

SKINVIVE™ sessions are non-invasive with minimal downtime, very short (typically about 15 minutes), tailored to your unique skin concerns and goals, suitable for all Fitzpatrick skin types, and boast a strong safety profile when performed by licensed physicians or properly licensed practitioners.

For more in-depth information about SKINVIVE™ and other professional skin rejuvenation treatments, click here or book a complimentary consultation with one of our skin experts.

Healthy Skin Awareness Month

More than 2 people in the U.S. die of skin cancer every hour. November is about making people aware of the prevalence of skin cancer and raising the flag for healthy skin.

It’s the month we celebrate not just beauty but also the well-being benefits that come with it. While skincare is a year-round commitment, Healthy Skin Awareness Month encourages us to dig a bit deeper and take some time to ensure we prioritize our skin’s health.

Caring for your skin is a fundamental investment in your overall health. Make it a point to take some time this month to reevaluate your daily skincare regime, book your annual skin check, and schedule a consultation for a skin rejuvenation treatment like SKINVIVE™ that will give your skin a little extra TLC.

Need Help Achieving Healthy Skin?

Whether you want to start out with upgrading your current skincare regime to a medical grade skincare regime, indulge in a hydrafacial, explore a PRP treatment or PDO Threading, or take your skin health a step further with a SKINVIVE™ rejuvenation treatment– our skin care experts can help create a customized plan catered to your skincare needs and concerns.

While any time is a great time to start your healthy skin journey, November is the perfect opportunity to spotlight the importance of healthy skin and its impact on your overall well-being and consider taking the next step to healthier skin.

Contact us today for a complimentary consultation in Nashville, TN.