Skincare tips for nashville, tn by skincare experts at garza plastic surgery

How should you take care of your skin when living in Nashville? The unpredictable weather, humidity, pollution, and bright southern sun can all affect your skin—and what skincare to use.

Everyone in Nashville, TN, and elsewhere wants to look and feel their best. How our skin appears is often a sign of beauty, health, and wellness.

It is also true that everyone—friends, family, and your favorite social media personality—dishes out a constant stream of skin care advice. They have different opinions on how to achieve a healthy, radiant look.

Unfortunately, not all of these methods are tried and true. In light of this well-meaning but often inaccurate advice, below is a brief list of some of the best skin care tips to keep you looking and feeling your best—all from certified skin care professionals at Garza in Nashville, TN.

Best Skin Care Tips

1. Don’t Forget the Sunscreen

The first piece of advice concerning your skin includes the use of sunscreen. Whether you live in the South or up North, wear sunscreen every day, period. Sun exposure leads to premature aging, increases the risk of skin cancer, and causes long-term damage.

Choose a sunscreen with a high enough SPF, like SPF 50, for adequate protection against the sun’s rays. Look for UVA/UVB Broad Spectrum for full protection against sun damage. Be sure to reapply after about every hour of sun exposure.

If you have sun damage you want to repair, we offer skin resurfacing treatments in Nashville, TN, to reduce sun spots and discoloration.

2. Don’t Overdo Product Applications: Less is Be More

More is not more when it comes to skincare—especially when living in hot, humid conditions. Be conservative in the amount and frequency you apply products. Overuse can have unwanted effects, such as drying out our skin or even clogging our pores.

This advice also applies to the amount of a specific ingredient in skin care products. For example, 2% retinol is not always better than .25% retinol. Depending on your skin’s sensitivity and skin care goals, you will want to be conservative with the percentage of active ingredients.

You may also want to reduce the number of products you use in your skincare. Most people only need cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen with the right active ingredients on a daily basis. On top of that, one or two more products max should take care of your skin issues—if you’re using the right products.

To know exactly what skin care products and amounts you should use, ask a skin care professional at Garza. We can help you pick everything from cleansers and oils to facials and chemical peels.

3. Expensive is Not Always Better

We always recommend investing in good skincare. Unfortunately, however, more often than not, more expensive “miracles in a bottle” are similar to affordable brands. They often perform the same as, if not worse than, their counterparts.

Purchase wisely! Talk to a professional aesthetician and do your research!

4. Stop Picking

Picking pimples, blemishes, or other skin anomalies does not help and only worsens things. When you pick your skin, you reopen a wound, which can cause an infection, swelling, and redness.

Not only does touching your skin introduce more harmful bacteria, but picking can also lead to unsightly scarring.

5. Don’t Neglect Your Neck

Too often, we pamper our faces but forget to indulge the surrounding skin on our necks, chest, and shoulders. The skin found here is also delicate and needs attention.

While you can buy skin care products specifically for your neck and chest, you don’t need to. The products you use for your face are also great for your neck and chest. During your skincare routine, apply the same products to those areas in addition to your face. These products include cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen.

6. Layer Your Products Properly

As a basic rule of thumb, layer your products from thinnest to thickest in texture. Apply liquids before gels, gels before lotions, lotions before creams, and creams before oils. This order helps prevent clogged pores and ensures the thinner water-based products are absorbed first, as oil-based products prevent the others from penetrating and contacting the skin.

The caveat is if you have sensitive skin or a broken skin barrier. It is best to apply moisturizer before products with active ingredients to dilute their effectiveness. The dilution will reduce your skin’s adverse reaction to the active ingredient.

7. Add Facials to Your Routine

Nashville’s weather, in combination with makeup and sweat, can quickly coat your skin in unwanted residue. Deep cleansing facials performed by an aesthetician remove impurities to leave your skin healthy and clear. Facials leave your skin glowing and prepare it to absorb additional treatments effectively. Schedule a facial about once a month for optimal results.

Garza’s skincare professionals can recommend the right facial for your skin type and skin conditions. We can also incorporate additional treatments to promote collagen and elastin production to keep your skin youthful and glowing.

8. Avoid Tanning Beds

Basking in the glow of a tanning bed might seem like a quick fix to achieve that sun-kissed look, but the truth is, it comes with a hefty price for your skin. The intense UV exposure not only accelerates skin aging but also significantly raises the risk of skin cancer.

Consider using a self-tanner for a safer alternative that still gives you that bronzed glow. These products can provide a natural-looking tan without the harmful effects of UV radiation, allowing you to enjoy a golden complexion without compromising your skin’s health.

9. Avoid Extreme Heat, Open Flames, and Heaters

Exposing your skin to intense heat sources like open flames or heaters can lead to dehydration and damage, stripping away natural oils that keep your skin healthy and supple. This environment can exacerbate dryness, leading to premature aging and sensitivity.

To maintain your skin’s hydration and health, keep a safe distance from high-heat sources, especially heaters that are frequently used in colder months. Also, consider using a humidifier to balance the moisture in the air.

10. Check Skin for Signs of Skin Cancer

Regular skin checks are a critical preventive measure against skin cancer. You can quickly notice changes by familiarizing yourself with your skin’s moles, freckles, and other marks. Look out for new growths or changes in size, shape, or color of existing spots, as these could be early signs of skin cancer.

Early detection is crucial for effective treatment, so schedule annual skin exams with a dermatologist. Exams are vital if you have a higher risk due to factors from excessive sun exposure or a family history of skin cancer.

11. Don’t Smoke

Smoking harms your lungs and wreaks havoc on your skin, accelerating aging and increasing the risk of wrinkles and a sallow complexion—the chemicals in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin, leading to sagging skin. For the sake of your skin’s health and overall well-being, steering clear of smoking is one of the best choices you can make.

12. Don’t Scrub Your Skin Daily

Over-exfoliating strips natural oils from the skin, causing irritation and damage. To slough off dead skin cells without harming the skin’s barrier, use a gentle exfoliating scrub no more than once a week. This approach helps maintain a healthy glow and allows your skin to recover and regenerate between sessions.

13. Wash After Waking, Before Bed, and After Sweating

Maintaining a clean skin routine is pivotal. Washing your face after waking helps remove oils that have built up overnight while cleansing before bed clears away the day’s dirt and makeup. Additionally, cleaning your skin after sweating is crucial to prevent clogged pores and breakouts. This practice ensures your skin stays fresh and clear, supporting its health and vitality.

14. Wash Twice to Clean Deep into Pores

For a thorough cleanse, consider washing your face twice in one session – first to remove surface dirt and makeup and a second time to cleanse the pores deeply. This double-cleanse method can be especially beneficial at night to remove all impurities and promote clearer, healthier skin.

15. Keep Hair out of Your Face

Keeping hair clean and away from your face can significantly reduce the risk of breakouts and skin irritation. Oils and products from your hair clog pores if they are in constant contact with your facial skin.

16. Reduce Stress

Managing stress effectively is crucial for healthy skin, as stress can trigger breakouts and other skin issues. Engaging in relaxation techniques and ensuring a balance between work and leisure can help keep stress levels in check, promoting overall well-being and healthier skin.

17. See a Doctor or Surgeon if Something Seems Wrong

If you notice any unusual changes in your skin, it’s wise to consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Early detection and professional advice are essential to effectively addressing potential skin issues.

18. Eat A Healthy Diet

A balanced, healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains significantly impacts the health and appearance of your skin. Nutrient-dense foods provide the vitamins and antioxidants your skin needs to stay radiant and resilient. Incorporating various foods into your meals can help support skin repair and prevent premature aging.

19. Stay Hydrated

Keeping your body hydrated is essential for maintaining healthy skin. It helps to keep it moist, elastic, and less prone to dryness and wrinkles. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day supports your skin’s overall health. It can contribute to a clearer, more radiant complexion.

Adequate hydration is vital for supple, vibrant skin since water plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin’s elasticity and preventing signs of aging; drinking enough water daily aids in flushing out toxins, contributing to a clearer complexion, and enhancing your skin’s natural glow.

20. Eat Hydrating Foods

Incorporating hydrating foods, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and watermelon, can significantly boost your skin’s moisture levels from the inside out. Research foods rich in water content and essential nutrients to help maintain skin elasticity and radiance.

21. Eat More Greens

Incorporating more green vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli into your meals can significantly benefit your skin. These nutrient-rich foods are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that support skin health, aid in detoxification, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

22. Microneedling

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that rejuvenates the skin using fine needles that create tiny punctures in the top layer. Microneedling stimulates the body’s natural healing response, encouraging collagen and elastin production and improving skin texture, firmness, and hydration.

23. Increase Circulation and Blood Flow

Improving circulation and blood flow is essential for healthy skin, ensuring that vital nutrients and oxygen are efficiently delivered. Regular physical activity, gentle skin massages, and a balanced diet enhance circulation, promoting a radiant and healthy complexion.

24. Avoid Fragrances

Avoiding fragrances in skincare products can be beneficial, especially for sensitive skin, as fragrances can be potential irritants. Opting for fragrance-free options can reduce the risk of skin reactions and ensure a gentler skincare experience.

25. Use Lukewarm Water and Avoid Hot Water

Choosing lukewarm water for face washing is a critical step in preserving your skin’s natural oils, which are crucial for its health and hydration. Hot water, while relaxing, can be harsh on your skin, potentially stripping it of its protective barrier and leading to increased dryness and sensitivity. A gentle approach with lukewarm water helps maintain your skin’s integrity and moisture barrier, ensuring it remains soft, supple, and hydrated.

26. Moisturizer

Incorporating a moisturizer into your daily skincare routine is essential, regardless of skin type. Moisturizers help to hydrate the skin, lock moisture in, and provide protection against dangerous environmental factors. They also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and improve skin texture.

26. Face Massage

A gentle face massage can help stimulate blood circulation, promote a healthy glow, and reduce puffiness. Techniques such as light tapping or circular motions with your fingertips can aid in lymphatic drainage, helping to remove toxins and reduce swelling.

This practice can be particularly rejuvenating in the morning or after a long day. It helps to relax facial muscles and gives the skin a smoother, more toned appearance.

27. Use A Clean Pillowcase

Regularly changing and cleaning your pillowcase can significantly impact your skin health. Pillowcases can accumulate oils, sweat, and product residue, which rub against your skin all night, clogging pores and leading to breakouts. Using a clean pillowcase helps reduce the risk of skin irritation and acne, maintaining clearer skin. Opting for materials like silk or satin can also minimize friction, preventing creases and wrinkles.

28. Sleep on Your Back

Sleeping on your back can benefit your skin by reducing the potential for wrinkles and creases caused by pressing your face into the pillow. This position allows your skin to breathe more freely throughout the night. It helps prevent the buildup of oils and products on your facial skin.

29. Get Plenty of Sleep

Adequate sleep is vital for skin health since it allows the body to repair itself and regenerate skin cells. Getting enough quality sleep helps reduce the appearance of dark circles, prevent premature aging, and maintain a healthy, glowing complexion. Prioritizing good sleep hygiene can profoundly affect your overall skin health.

30. Humidity Assists with Dry Skin

Maintaining a specific humidity level in your living space can significantly alleviate dry skin, especially during colder months when indoor heating can reduce moisture in the air. A humidifier adds moisture to your environment, keeping your skin hydrated while preventing flakiness and irritation associated with dry skin conditions.

31. Clean Commonly Touched Surfaces

Cleaning surfaces frequently touched, such as door handles, light switches, mobile phones, and keyboards, regularly reduces the transfer of bacteria and germs to your face, which causes skin breakouts and irritation. Maintaining cleanliness in your environment is a simple yet effective step in supporting overall skin health, complementing your skincare routine.

32. Apply One Product at a Time

When applying skincare products, use them one at a time, allowing each layer to absorb properly before applying the next. This practice ensures that each product effectively penetrates the skin, maximizing its benefits. Waiting a few moments between each application can significantly affect how well your skincare regimen works.

33. Generics Are Just as Good

Choosing skincare products isn’t only about the brand or price tag. Generic products can be as effective as high-end ones if they contain the right ingredients for your skin type and concerns. Reading and understanding the ingredient list is essential to ensure you get the benefits you seek.

34. The Fewer Ingredients, the Better

Opting for skincare products with a minimal ingredient list can be beneficial, especially for sensitive skin. Fewer ingredients mean less irritation, making identifying what works well for your skin easier. Simple formulations often focus on essential, effective components, reducing unnecessary additives.

35. Age, Seasons, and Weather Affect Skin

Your skincare routine should evolve with age, seasonal changes, and weather conditions as they impact your skin’s needs. Aging skin requires more hydration and targeted treatments. At the same time, seasonal shifts necessitate switching from a heavier moisturizer in winter to a lighter formula in summer.

Being attuned to these changes and adjusting your skincare to accommodate changing conditions helps maintain your skin’s health and appearance year-round.

Learn More About Healthy Skin Care in Nashville, TN

If you wish to learn more about maintaining healthy skin, speak with the skincare professionals at Garza Plastic Surgery in Nashville, TN. We are happy to help you with your concerns about skin health.

Reach out for a consultation to book an appointment and get started!