Choosing a plastic surgeon is a decision that will impact your life for years, decades, or even a lifetime. The person you choose to alter your appearance should leave you with greater self-confidence and happiness. However, if you end up with an inexperienced plastic surgeon, you may face costly revisions and a lot of frustration. Therefore, it’s imperative to take your time and find the right plastic surgeon who meets your specific needs.

Unfortunately, not every surgeon or doctor is qualified to conduct high levels of plastic surgery.

Plus, every individual’s experience with plastic surgery is unique. Even if a friend had a great experience with one plastic surgeon, that doesn’t mean they will be the right fit for you.

It’s vital to take your time to do thorough research and not settle for the first result that pops up on your screen.

If you are interested in a plastic surgery procedure, here are a few tips for selecting the best plastic surgeon near you.


  • Prioritize choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure a high level of training, ethics, and quality care for your cosmetic surgery needs.
  • Research and patient reviews are key when selecting your plastic surgeon – take the time to assess their experience, specialization, and past results to find the ideal match for your unique needs.
  • Beyond surgical skill, consider the overall surgery experience, including the location, facility accreditation, cost, and your comfort and confidence with the surgeon, to ensure the best outcome.

Always Select a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

happy surgeon smiling in the operating room

In 2020 alone, 15.6 million cosmetic procedures were performed, highlighting plastic surgery’s growing popularity. However, the government doesn’t require surgeons to be trained specifically in the services they offer.

Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon ensures their commitment to providing the highest quality care, and their drive to achieve positive outcomes. When searching for the best plastic surgeon, it’s essential to prioritize those with board certification, as they are often considered top plastic surgeons.

The designation ‘Board Certified’ is more than just a title; it represents compliance with the stringent standards set by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

The Mark of Quality

Board certification should be seen as an authenticity seal, symbolizing a commitment to outstanding patient care and a dedication to mastering a wide array of plastic surgery procedures. Every board certified cosmetic surgeon has been critically evaluated for their knowledge base, ethical standing, and effective approach to various reconstructive and cosmetic challenges.

To become board certified, a surgeon must earn a degree from a prestigious and accredited medical school, complete three years of general surgery, complete a residency program for plastic surgery, have two years of professional practice, and finally, they must pass a variety of written and oral exams administered by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS).

This intensive scrutiny ensures that when you see ‘board certified’ etched on a surgeon’s profile, it’s a guarantee of their commitment to safety, quality, and excellence.

You can check for ABPS certification online.

Ensuring Safety and Skill

Board certified plastic surgeons meet essential safety requirements and possess the necessary medical skills to help you reach your aesthetic goals. Moreover, these surgeons uphold the highest levels of safety and ethical practices.

These surgeons undergo rigorous training, with over 3000 hours per year under supervision, to refine their competencies and prepare them to manage any complications that may arise.

However, it’s essential to double-check that the plastic surgeon you choose is also up to date on the newest techniques and technology. Medical advancements constantly evolve, and you want to ensure your surgeon is knowledgeable and skilled in current practices.

Searching for the Best Plastic Surgeon

Finding the right plastic surgeon can be like finding the perfect pair of jeans. It’s not just about the style; it’s about the fit. To find your ‘perfect fit’ surgeon, start by understanding your specific cosmetic needs and long-term health goals. Next, online research and referrals from trusted sources can provide valuable insights into a surgeon’s qualifications and experiences.

Bear in mind, this is a decision that will leave a lasting imprint on your life. So, take your time, do your research, and step confidently towards making an informed decision.

Navigating Professional Directories

Directories provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons offer lists of board-certified professionals, serving as an effective tool for finding qualified cosmetic surgeons. These directories are a far cry from generic ones, where physicians advertising as ‘cosmetic’ or ‘plastic’ surgeons may lack the proper training.

Moreover, surgeons who are listed in multiple professional directories have often earned trust and prominence in the cosmetic surgery field.

Reading Patient Reviews

Patient reviews can shed light on the surgeon’s skills and outcomes of specific procedures. But remember, not all reviews are created equal. Look for detailed accounts over vague statements and check the consistency of review dates to ensure they are not artificially generated.

Evaluating Surgical Experience and Expertise

plastic surgeon examining young woman's face at the office

Experience serves as the most effective instructor, a statement that rings particularly true in the realm of plastic surgery. An experienced surgeon doesn’t just have the necessary skills and proficiency; they’ve honed these skills through frequent practice and a variety of cases. After all, plastic surgery is not a one-size-fits-all field.

Each patient is unique in their needs and desired outcomes. So, it’s essential to choose a surgeon who has a broad palette of experiences to draw from, ensuring they can handle any curveballs your case may throw at them.

Procedure Frequency Matters

As with any skill, how often you practice corresponds directly to your improvement. The same principle applies to plastic surgery. A surgeon is considered experienced in a procedure when they have been performing it at least once per week for a minimum of five years.

Specialized Skills

Much like an artist mastering a specific medium, a plastic surgeon or a cosmetic surgeon may focus on particular areas. These specialized surgeons often excel at customized treatment plans that consider your unique features to highlight your natural beauty.

The art of plastic surgery involves mastering the concept of facial harmony and aesthetic balance of the body, where features are proportionate and aligned with your individual goals. This can include body contouring for a balanced hourglass shape, adjusting a nose bridge for symmetry and aesthetic proportions, and everything in between.

The last thing you want is obviously oversized breast implants or rail-thin thighs from too much lipo. So, finding a surgeon with the right specialization is like finding an artist whose style matches and elevates your home décor.

Matching Style

Like tattoo artists, plastic surgeons can have their own signature style. Do your research to see what plastic surgery style most interests you and see if the plastic surgeon’s style aligns with what you want. You may be surprised with how many style options are out there!

Assessing Past Work and Results

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, the before and after photos from a plastic surgeon’s previous patients hold immeasurable value. These images offer a window into the types of results the surgeon is capable of achieving. It’s crucial to seek out images that show a variety of outcomes from multiple patients to gauge the surgeon’s range of capabilities.

A thorough evaluation of a surgeon’s previous work is essential for assessing their expertise and the quality of their results.

Look for Look-A-Likes

Before and after photos act as visual evidence of a surgeon’s proficiency. They reveal the surgeon’s ability to achieve consistent results and their level of skill in cosmetic procedures. When you’re examining these images, look for patients who have a similar body type or facial structure to you. If they opted for the same procedure, your results will likely look like theirs. This can help set a realistic expectation of potential surgical outcomes.

Moreover, these galleries can help you pinpoint outcomes that align with your own aesthetic goals, aiding in your decision-making process.

Personalized Approach

Each of us is unique, and so should be the approach to plastic surgery. The best surgeons offer a tailored approach that considers the unique aspects of your anatomical structure, ensuring your natural appearance is enhanced, not altered. You still want to look like you.

When reviewing before and after photos, look for results where the individual looks like an improved version of themselves. This indicates the surgeon’s commitment to personalizing the surgical outcome, respecting and enhancing your natural beauty.

Remember, plastic surgery, such as cosmetic breast surgery and breast augmentation, is not about changing who you are, but about enhancing your natural features.

The Consultation: A Critical Step

The consultation provides an opportunity to:

  • Meet your surgeon before making a decision
  • Evaluate the surgeon’s communication style, empathy, confidence, and how attentively they listen and respond to your needs
  • Have a thorough discussion of your goals, medical history, and the details of the desired procedure
  • Ask questions about the surgeon’s previous work
  • This process is important in ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident in your choice of surgeon.
  • Consider this as a mutual evaluation, where both you and the surgeon see if the other is a good fit.

Preparing Your Questions

Being informed empowers you, and the more you understand about your procedure and surgeon, the more in control you’ll feel. Preparing a list of questions before your consultation ensures a thorough discussion with the surgeon, addressing all concerns. Providing a comprehensive medical history, including any family medical issues, and a full list of medications and supplements, is also critical.

Remember, there are no silly questions when it comes to your health and well-being. So, don’t hesitate to ask so you understand everything.

Here are a few questions you should ask your potential surgeon:

  • When did you start performing this procedure?
  • How many patients have you worked on?
  • What are your success rates?
  • What techniques will you use and why?
  • How many times have you performed this procedure?
  • Have you ever had complications with this procedure?
  • Who will be assisting you? What are their qualifications?
  • Do you have hospital privileges?
  • How would you respond in case of an emergency?
  • Any experienced plastic surgeon will happily answer these questions to ease your mind and assure you of their expertise.

Feeling Comfortable and Confident

Trust your gut. Assessing the surgeon’s interpersonal skills and establishing trust during the consultation is critical for your comfort and confidence. You’re entrusting your body and your well-being to this person, so it’s essential you feel comfortable with them.

Look for signs of professionalism and empathy. Do they listen attentively? Do they make you feel heard and understood?

Cost Considerations

Addressing the often-ignored aspect: cost. Plastic surgery is an investment that involves both emotional and financial commitments. It’s crucial to balance affordability with the quality and safety of the surgical procedure.

Remember, the cheapest option may not necessarily be the best one. Always prioritize quality and safety over cost, because when it comes to your health, you deserve the best.

Price vs. Value

When pondering over the cost of your procedure, consider the value it brings instead of just focusing on the price tag. Lower costs may reflect compromises in the surgeon’s experience and the quality of the clinical facility. A “bargain” may end up costing you more down the road in hospital fees and revision surgeries. So find a high-value procedure that meets your individual needs and contributes to your overall satisfaction.

Always ask for an all-inclusive quote to avoid hidden costs and ensure you understand the full financial commitment upfront.

Financing and Payment Options

The cost of plastic surgery doesn’t have to be a roadblock on your journey to self-improvement. There are medical financing options to make your dream of cosmetic surgery more accessible. Some surgeons even offer their own financing plans, which can be discussed during your consultation. In the meantime, check out the affordable payment plans at Garza Surgery to get an idea of what you can expect.

Remember, your self-confidence and happiness are priceless, and there are options available to help you achieve them without breaking the bank.

Location and Facility Accreditation

The surgical location and the facility’s accreditation hold as much importance as the surgeon’s qualifications. The cleanliness of a plastic surgery center is fundamental to ensuring safety and high standards of care. During your consultation, observe the facility’s cleanliness and the professionalism of the staff, as these offer insights into the surgical environment’s standards.

After all, you’re not just choosing a surgeon; you’re choosing a team of professionals who will guide you through this journey.

Proximity for Follow-Up Care

Imagine you’ve just had your surgery, and you’re on the road to recovery. Now, imagine having to travel long distances for your follow-up appointments. Not ideal, right? Close proximity to the plastic surgery facility is crucial for post-operative care, so you can have dressings or drains checked, removed, or changed, and the wound can be examined for proper healing in a timely manner.

Remember, the journey doesn’t end with the surgery; the follow-up care is just as important.

Accredited Facilities

Lastly, the importance of accredited facilities needs to be stressed. Accreditation can be seen as a quality and safety endorsement, asserting the facility’s high standards of care. To maintain this accreditation, facilities must adhere to a range of standards, undergo regular reviews, and prioritize patient care above all.

Ensure that the operating facility has the necessary certifications. They should have at least one from:

  • American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF)
  • Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC)
  • Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
  • Institute for Medical Qualities (IMQ)
  • or another state medical board-approved accreditation

An excellent operating facility will also be clean, organized, and professional, with an inviting atmosphere.
Additionally, the operating facility’s anesthetist should be a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) or a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist. These accreditations ensure your safety during the procedure.

So, when you see a facility is accredited, you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands.

Find the Right Plastic Surgeon for You in Nashville

Selecting the right plastic surgeon is a journey, one paved with research, consultations, and careful consideration. The board certification of your surgeon, their experience and expertise, their past work and results, and the location and accreditation of their facility are all crucial waypoints on this journey. Navigating this path might seem daunting, but remember, it’s a journey towards greater self-confidence and happiness.

With these tips in mind, you’ll find a highly qualified plastic surgeon that will provide exceptional results.
If you’re in the Nashville area, reach out to Dr. Robert Garza today for a consultation. There’s only one way to find out if he is the best plastic surgeon for you!

FAQ: Finding the Best Plastic Surgeon

How important is board certification when choosing a plastic surgeon?

Board certification is crucial when choosing a plastic surgeon as it signifies the surgeon’s commitment to high standards and mastery of a full range of procedures.

What’s the importance of a surgeon’s experience and frequency of procedures performed?

It’s important for a surgeon to have significant experience and perform procedures frequently to ensure proficiency and expertise. Surgeons are typically considered experienced if they’ve been performing a procedure at least once per week for a minimum of five years.

How can I evaluate a surgeon’s past work and results?

You can evaluate a surgeon’s past work and results by reviewing before and after photos of their previous patients. They will often have photos to look at in their office during a consultation. Look for a range of outcomes from different patients to assess the surgeon’s abilities.

What should I consider in terms of cost?

Consider the value and affordability of the procedure along with its quality and safety. Ask for an all-inclusive quote to avoid hidden costs. Always consider the long-term benefits.

Why is the location and facility accreditation important?

The location and facility accreditation are important because proximity is crucial for post-operative care, and an accredited facility ensures a high standard of safety and quality of care. It’s as crucial as the surgeon’s credentials.